Art & Design
Head of Department
Mrs G McCullough
Subject Teachers
Mr G Woodcock
Mrs K A Roberts
Mrs L Guiney
Mr P Roberts
Please scroll down for a gallery of our pupils’ work
In the Art and Design department we aim to provide a wide variety of creative and expressive experiences for our pupils. We aim to encourage creativity, independent thinking and an enquiring mind. Art and Design provides pupils with unique ways of expressing feelings and ideas about the world they live in.
Exciting and challenging units of work are in place which will enhance their awareness of the world around them. Art and Design helps to develop observational, thinking and investigative skills that are key fundamentals for any employer.
Key Stage 3
Year 8, 9 and 10 follow a broad and balanced scheme of work over a three year period. In the first three years at Regent House pupils will receive two periods each week (1 hour 10 minutes). Pupils can then opt to study Art and Design and/or Moving Image to GCSE level. Further studies in Art and Design and Additional Art and Design are available at AS and A2 level.
Year 8
Year 9
3D Construction
Colour theory
Year 10
World cultures
Figure drawing
3D construction
Our pupils study the CCEA GCSE Art and Design Specification. GCSE Art and Design builds on and reflects on the diverse range of experiences, skills and processes gained at KS3. The course provides students with the opportunity to broaden their repertoire of skills and capabilities in Art and Design.
Pupils who follow this course have the freedom and flexibility to make personal choices in relation to themes and media. They are encouraged to choose from a broad range of disciplines and are given the opportunities to visit museums and galleries. They will develop their ability for independent learning, critical thinking and analysis and evaluation of their own and others work. The course is 100% coursework, split into two sections
A. Unit 1 The Core Portfolio (60%)
B. Unit 2 Externally set assignment (40%)
Both units will be internally marked and externally moderated.
Unit 1
The work for the Core Portfolio will begin immediately at the start of year 11. The emphasis will be on broad, creative learning experiences that introduce students to art, craft and design skills and technical knowledge. Students will work individually and creatively to develop personal ideas in response to a given theme or stimulus. They will experiment with a wide range of media, materials, techniques and technologies to develop their existing skills. The portfolio should include one piece of work that follows a process through to final outcome. Candidates must complete all work for the Core Portfolio (with the exception of research) under supervision.
Unit 2
The externally set assignment will be issued in January of the year of the examination. There is a set period of time for the student to develop preparatory work based on the set theme or stimulus. The final outcome will be completed in a set period of 10 hours (over 2 weeks) and will be carried out under controlled conditions.
Examples of Exam Work
A Level
Our students study the Edexcel Art and Design Specification. Entry to the A level courses require a grade B in GCSE Art and Design or a portfolio which demonstrates a high level work which is submitted to the Head of Department.

The GCE course builds on the breadth and experience gained from GCSE, promotes a broad Art and Design experience for AS, and provides a more focused and demanding experience at A2. GCE provides students with a detailed understanding of the techniques, processes and methods used in Art, Design and Craft. Interrelationships between these three elements are explored and students examine Art and Design from historical, cultural and contextual perspectives.
Technical, expressive, analytical and research skills are fine-tuned and aesthetic understanding is strengthened through investigation and experimentation. Students are encouraged to develop working methods that emphasise practical independence, self-directed learning and they will be able to experiment with media and materials.
This course provides a solid foundation for study at higher levels in Art and Design or related areas of study. Possible careers include architecture, advertising, fashion design, occupational therapy, teaching, graphic design, archaeology, interior design and many more.
This course requires pupils to complete 60% coursework and 40% exam project, both of which are internally assessed and externally moderated. At A2 level students produce a dissertation that enhances their knowledge and first-hand experience of the creative industries.
A level Art Trips
RUA Exhibition
Year 13 pupils visited the Ulster Museum in October to view the RUA exhibition. When studying Art& design it is invaluable to view professional Artwork first hand, all pupils thoroughly enjoyed this experience and individually sourced plenty of visual inspiration to enhance and develop their AS projects.
Seacourt Print Workshop
Year 13 and 14 students attended a printmaking workshop at Seacourt Print workshop in Bangor over half term. They learnt specialist techniques in Dry point etching. This was a worthwhile experience for everyone involved.