Welcome to the Preparatory Department
Welcome to Regent House Preparatory Department. I hope you enjoy browsing our website.
At Regent House Preparatory Department our staff members are committed to working with parents to encourage our pupils to become confident individuals, effective contributors and successful learners.
Our aim is to maximise parent-teacher partnerships to enable all pupils to reach their full potential. As a school community we are committed to continuous improvement and we are enthusiastic about the opportunity to develop in new ways. We aim to have the energy and imagination to develop the school whilst having the confidence and insight to nurture what is special about Regent House Preparatory Department. For many years, pupils have attained excellent results, well above the national average, in end of Key Stage Assessments. We are also proud to announce an average AQE Score of 108. All our current Prep 7 pupils took part in this assessment.
Regent House Preparatory staff provide a positive and stimulating learning environment. The classrooms are interesting places where pupils’ work is displayed and their achievements continuously acknowledged and rewarded. Staff members respond to pupils’ interests and ideas when planning lessons. Our pupils enjoy weekly specialist teaching in French, Drama, PE, Music and Art. Weekly swimming lessons and private music tuition are also available.
We operate a mentoring system encouraging Prep 7 pupils to lead by example. All pupils are encouraged to respond to a variety of issues which affect them, through forums such as the Pupil Council.
In March 2015 we introduced an After School Care facility, open from 3:00pm to 6:00pm Monday to Friday. This facility compliments the Breakfast Club. Our aim is to offer education and high-quality, affordable childcare in one inclusive setting. We hope to give parents peace of mind, knowing their children are in a safe, familiar and convenient environment. Whilst attending After School Care pupils are given the opportunity to engage in enjoyable activities that have positive social, emotional and educational influences.
In all areas we are set to evolve to meet the ever-changing needs of children living a modern family life.
Miss L Halliday
Head of Preparatory Department