Our academic staff ignite curiosity, imagination, and a passion for learning in all our pupils. The breadth of the curriculum at the school is supported by a cast of teachers that are always keen to share pupils’ interests and to promote their learning and wellbeing.
If you would like to contact a member of staff please see our contact us page.
Senior Leadership
Mr M Carville
Mr S McGonigle
Vice Principal
Mrs K Taylor
Vice Principal
Mrs J Haugh
Vice Principal
Senior Teachers
Mr P Lowry
Mr E Conway
Dr S Collins
Mr A Matchett
Mr D Thompson
Assistant Senior Teachers
Miss O Chapman
Board of Governors
The role of the Board of Governors is to manage the school with a view to providing the best possible education and educational opportunities for all of the pupils. This involves:
setting the strategic direction for the school
taking corporate decisions in relation to the statutory functions of the Board of Governors.
Board Members
Mr Robin Johnston – Chairperson
Mr Roy Lyttle – Vice Chairperson
Mrs Margaret Dunn
Miss E Green - Teacher representative
Mr Richard Poulter
Mr Paul Thompson
Mr David Maxwell
Heads of School
Key Stage 3: Mr A Matchett
Key Stage 4: Mr D Thompson
Key Stage 5: Mrs S Collins
Heads of Year
Year 8 (Boys): Mr C Armstrong
Year 8 (Girls): Mrs C Sterritt
Year 9 (Boys): Mr G Woodcock
Year 9 (Girls): Miss A Benson
Year 10 (Girls): Mrs E Kerr
Year 10 (Boys): N Gamble
Year 11 (Girls): Miss L Dugan
Year 11(Boys): Mr M Mahood
Year 12 (Boys): Miss L Semple
Year 12 (Girls): Miss P Wallace
Year 13 (Boys): Mrs K-A Roberts
Year 13 (Girls): Miss E Green
Year 14 (Girls): Miss C Beattie
Year 14 (Boys): Miss D Byrne
Head of Department: Mrs G McCullough
Mrs K A Roberts
Mr G Woodcock
Mrs L Guiney
Head of Department: Dr J Weston
Mrs H McConkey P/T
Miss C Beattie
Mrs P Fyfe
Dr F Morrison P/T
Mrs C Calvert
Mr M Whiteside
Mrs E McAuley
Head of Department: Mrs R Millar
Mrs R Brown P/T
Mr S McGonigle (Vice Principal)
Mr E Conway (Senior Teacher)
Mrs B Bates
Head of Department: Mrs C McNiece
Mrs R Millar
Miss O Chapman
Mr S McCready
Mrs R Turney
Head of Department: Miss K Edgar
Miss E Green
Mr M Vance
Mr N Purvis
Dr S Collins
Head of Department: Mr J Peden
Miss K Parkes
Head of Department: Miss F Aiken
Mr M Mahood
Mr S McCready
Head of Department: Miss P Thompson
Mrs E Coulter P/T
Mrs K A Donnachie P/T
Mrs R Nash
Mrs R Robinson P/T
Mrs R Mellon
Miss E Graham
Mrs M McCormick
Mrs O Francis
Mrs S McAleese
Miss A Petticrew
Miss S Sharpe (temp)
Head of Department: Mrs H Houston
Mr D Thompson [Head of Middle School]
Mrs J Haugh (Vice Principal)
Mrs V Burrows (career break)
Mrs L Turner
Mrs C McNiece
Mrs H Gray (temp)
Mrs R Andrews (temp)
Head of Department: Mrs C Bailie
Mrs C Murphy
Miss E Luke
Mr L McWatters
Head of Department: Mrs E Beverland
Miss L Semple
Miss D Byrne (HOD for LLW)
Mrs L Towse
Head of Department: Mrs G Brown
Mrs A Daniells P/T
Mrs C Evans
Miss F Lamrock
Mr C Armstrong
Mrs K Taylor (Vice Principal)
Mrs R Turney
Mrs J Copeland P/T
Mrs E Kerr
Mrs H Thompson P/T
Miss E Johnston (temp)
Head of Department: Mr G Nicholl
Mr J Peden
Mrs L Hutton
Mrs J Ferguson (Head of Citizenship)
Mr A Matchett (Head of Junior School)
Mrs C Sterritt
Miss P Wallace
Miss K Coulter
Mrs K McMahon P/T (temp)
Miss K Parkes
Head of Department: Mrs H McIvor
Mrs H McMordie P/T
Miss C Eagleson
Mrs K Mort P/T
Head of Department: Mr D Robb
Mr P Lowry (Senior Teacher)
Mr N Gamble
Mrs H Watson P/T
Mrs R Mitchell-Cram
Miss A Benson
Mrs H Shannon P/T
Miss L Cairns (temp)
Mrs Sutherland (temp)
Head of Department: Miss L Colgan
Mrs J Moore P/T
Mrs S Kennoway
Miss S Ritchie (SENCO)
Miss L Dougan
Head of Department: Miss L Kwok
Head of Department: Mr M Bower
Mrs E Dorman
Head of Department: Mr A Barrett
Mr L Beegan
Mr R Gray (temp)
P/T indicates part-time.