

Head of Department

Miss D Byrne

Subject Teachers

Each year a number of teachers from different departments around the school take the citizenship classes

Overview of Department

Local and Global Citizenship is based on four key themes which are addressed in local, national, European and global contexts:


Diversity and Inclusion

This provides opportunities for young people to consider the range and extent of diversity in our society and society globally, and to identify challenges and opportunities which diversity and inclusion present.

Equality and Social Justice

This provides opportunities for young people to understand that society needs to safeguard individual and collective rights and ensure that everyone is treated equally and fairly.

Democracy and Active Participation

This provides opportunities for young people to understand how to participate in, and to influence democratic processes and to be aware of some key democratic institutions and their role in promoting inclusion, justice and democracy.

Human Rights and Social Responsibility

Underlying all of these concepts are the principles of human rights and of social responsibility. This provides opportunities for young people to understand that a globally accepted values-base exists, within the various human rights international instruments, which outline the rights of individuals and groups in democratic societies.

Citizenship is taught through a modular system. From year 8 through to year 12 all students are scheduled for Citizenship during the academic year. Teaching and learning activities include role play, action projects, ICT and media technology and active methodologies.

Key Themes

Year 8: Diversity and Inclusion

Year 9: Equality and Social Justice

Year 10: Democracy and Active Participation, Human Rights and Social Responsibility underpin each course.