Personal Development
Head of Department
Miss D Byrne
Subject Teachers
Various across different departments
Learning for Life and Work
LLW is a statutory requirement for all pupils at Key Stage 4. It is taught on a rotation basis within a single period per week. Off timetable days are organised to facilitate guest speakers to deliver specialist events on subject specific topics. LLW is composed of 3 strands: Citizenship, Employability and Personal Development.
Personal Development
PD is about the holistic development of individuals, allowing the student to gain knowledge and develop confidence and opinions on valuable life skills. PD helps individuals to make informed choices throughout life. Topics included are:
Healthy lifestyles
First Aid
Self-Concept and Mental health
SHARHP Alcohol reduction programme
Drugs Awareness
Risk taking behaviours
Road Safety
PD aims to promote emotional intelligence in young people, enabling them to become responsible and confident contributors to society.
Students complete a minimum of two assessed homework tasks per rotation. Group work and presentations are also assessed alongside verbal contributions and discussions which are monitored within each subject strand.
The communication skills and subject knowledge gained in LLW are an integral part of any chosen careers path.