Proud sponsors of Regent House Rugby
Director of Rugby : Mr N Gamble
Senior Head Coach : Mr Brian McLaughlin
Medallion Head Coach : Mr D Thompson
U14 Head Coach : Mr N Gamble
U13 Head Coach : Mr M Vance
U12 Head Coach : Mr P Lowry
At Regent we are proud that our coaches are interchangeable where expertise and experience can be of great benefit to not only the pupils but the coaches too. We are learning just as much as the pupils!
Regent House has a proud rugby tradition having won the Schools’ Cup in 1994, sharing it in 1996 and finalists in 2008. Past Rugby alumni include three British and Irish Lions; Blair Mayne, Philip Matthews and Nigel Carr.
Rugby now permeates through the school with prep to senior pupils availing of expert coaching and competitive games throughout the season. Rugby is a great sport to meet new friends and build bonds that last a lifetime.
On a final note, all this would not be possible without the help from our main sponsors; CTS, Charles Hurst Renault, The Stove Yard. Thank you.
The main aims of Rugby at Regent House are to ensure that each pupil will:
gain and refine a range of Rugby skills and techniques through frequent and regular participation in a balanced programme of Rugby training and fixtures;
increase their knowledge and understanding of Rugby and learn to prioritise participation for current and future lifestyles;
develop a range of desirable personal qualities such as self-esteem, self-confidence, discipline and perseverance;
interact and co-operate with others, working towards common goals, and developing a sense of fair play, tolerance and empathy for others;
strive for personal and team success, maintaining a balanced appreciation of the value of winning;
develop a community conscience and contribute to whole school life through participating in the extra-curricular Rugby programme;
realise their full potential in Rugby and have access to a clear pathway which supports them towards this potential.
Extra-curricular Rugby Programme 2022-23
Fixture List 2022-23
Rugby Dinner 2023
Lisbon 2023
Senior Tour to Bordeaux 2018
Ulster players meet Year 8
Rugby Awards Dinner 2018

Cancellation Policy
The cancellation of after school practice sessions may be required due to weather issues or in the rare circumstances of coach unavailability. Where this is the case, pupils will be informed through notification on the School Rugby noticeboard and a twitter feed will be posted to update parents as soon as reasonably possible.
Late cancellation of Saturday fixtures can occur due to developing weather conditions. Where this is this case the supervisory teacher will contact the team captain to inform the team of the cancellation via a text messaging and social media. It is therefore imperative that all pupils check their texts or social media accounts prior to leaving the house on a Saturday mornings.
Codes of Conduct
Player Code of Conduct
All Regent House pupils participating in School sport are encouraged to:
Play for enjoyment.
Respect sport and play within the laws / rules of the Game.
Accept the official’s decision and let your captain or coach ask any relevant questions.
Play with control. Do not lose your temper.
Always do your best and be committed to the game, your team and the school.
Be a “good sport”. Applaud all good play whether by your team or the opposition.
Respect your opponent. Treat all players as you would like to be treated.
Do not “bully” or take advantage of any player.
Make sure you co-operate with your coach and team mates.
Remember that the aims of sport are to have fun, improve your skills and feel good.
At the end of a match thank your opponents and the officials for the match.
Play fair; do not intend to hurt your opponent.
Winning and losing is part of sport: Win with humility – lose with dignity.
As part of the team it is important that you attend training regularly and listen to your coach and help your team.
Remember that all members are important to the team!
Remember you are representing your team, school and family
Coaching Code of Conduct
Regent House is committed to providing an inclusive, safe and supportive coaching environment that strives for high standards in sporting performance and prioritises the enjoyment of sport and life long participation for all pupils.
The development of the whole child is of priority and we believe in striving to inspire all pupils to recognise and fulfil their potential in sport, celebrating success and personal achievement where attained.
Regent House values and encourages the participation of teachers and adults other than teachers in the coaching, supervision and officiating of pupils within School sport and expects those involved to publicise, adapt and supervise the implementation of the following code of conduct in full.
Lead by example - young people need a coach whom they respect.
Be generous with your praise when it is deserved.
Never ridicule or shout at players for making mistakes or losing a match.
Teach your players that the laws / rules of a game are mutual agreements which no one should evade or break.
Be reasonable in your demands on the players’ time, energy and enthusiasm.
Ensure that all players participate in matches. All players require and deserve equal time.
Remember that young players play for fun and enjoyment and that skill learning and playing for fun have priority over highly structured competition.
Winning is not the only objective.
Develop player and team respect for the ability of opponents, as well as for the judgement of referees and opposing coaches.
Insist on fair play and disciplined play.
Do not tolerate foul play, fighting or foul language.
Be prepared to take off an offending player.
Encourage young players to develop basic skills and sportsmanship.
Avoid over specialisation in positional play during their formative years.
Set realistic goals for the team and individual players and do not push young players into adult-like competitions.
Create a safe and enjoyable environment in which to train and play.
Do not over burden younger players with too much information.
Make a personal commitment to keep yourself informed on sound coaching principles and methods, and on the principles of growth and development of young people.
Be aware of the effect you have on growing children.
Never criticise the referee and touch judges during or after a match in front of players or spectators.
Always thank the match officials and if they have made decisions which require clarification, discuss the problems after everyone has changed.
Seek and follow the advice of a doctor in determining when an injured player is ready to play again.
Ensure that proper equipment and facilities are available at all times.
Be responsible and ensure you uphold the generic ethos of sport.
Support the Code of Ethics and all policies regarding Children in Sport.
Ensure you and your players are proud of your team, school and efforts during the season.
Parent / Spectator Code of Conduct
Regent House is committed to providing an inclusive, safe and supportive coaching environment that strives for high standards in sporting performance and prioritises the enjoyment of sport and life long participation for all pupils.
Regent House appreciate, encourage and highly value the regular, loyal and enthusiastic support for Regent sport from within both the internal and external school community. It is however important that supporters recognise the role they play within sport and the influence they can have on both players and officials. The following guidelines aim to encourage a positive approach to the support of school sport
Remember, young people play sport for their enjoyment, not only yours.
Encourage your child always to play by the laws / rules of the Game.
Teach young children that honest endeavour is as important as winning, so that the result of each game is accepted without disappointment.
Help young people to work towards skill improvement and good sportsmanship.
Set a good example by applauding good play on both sides.
Never ridicule, humiliate or shout at young players for making a mistake or losing a match.
Do not place emphasis on winning at all costs.
Do not force an unwilling child to participate in the playing of sport. If the child is to play, he/she will do so in good time through your encouragement.
Support all efforts to remove verbal & physical abuse from sport.
As a spectator do not use profane language or harass referees, coaches or players.
Do not publicly question the referee’s judgement and never their honesty.
Recognise the value and importance of volunteer officials and coaches.
Identify and acknowledge the good qualities of sport and uphold these values.
Remember you and your child’s contribution to sport is very important to Regent and be proud of your contribution.
Understand the value of team sport and its importance.
Applaud good play by the visiting team as well as your own.
Show respect for your team’s opponents. Without them there would not be a match.
Condemn the use of violence in all forms at every opportunity.
Verbal abuse of players or referees cannot be accepted in any shape of form.
Players or officials are not fair targets for ignorant behaviour.
Spectators can contribute to the enjoyment of the event and all involved.
Be on your best behaviour and lead by example. Do not use profane language or harass referees, players or coaches.
Remember that although young people play organised sport they are not “miniature internationals”.
Be proud of your child and the school.
Facebook Page
Our Rugby Club Facebook page is a closed community. Contact an existing member for access.