Subject Choices

Enabling all pupils to achieve their academic potential through a broad and balanced curriculum.

Pupils are offered a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum which will empower them to recognise and achieve their potential and to make informed and responsible decisions throughout their lives.

Whilst we mainly offer a range of Applied and General GCE A levels, we also offer some other awards such as: BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma, and Cambridge Technical Diplomas.

Subjects Offered

  • Art & Design

  • Biology

  • Chemistry

  • Classical Civilisation

  • Drama & Theatre Studies

  • Economics

  • English Literature

  • French

  • Geography

  • German

  • Government & Politics

  • Health & Social Care

  • History

  • Introductory Diploma in IT (Cambridge Technical Level 3)

  • Life and Health Sciences

  • Mathematics

  • Further Mathematics

  • Media Studies

  • Music

  • Nutrition & Food Science

  • Physics

  • Physical Education

  • Professional Business Services

  • Psychology

  • Religious Studies

  • Sociology

  • Spanish

  • Sport (BTEC Level 3)

  • Technology & Design

  • Travel &Tourism (BTEC Level 3)

The subjects offered each year can vary based on demand and staffing levels, so you should always check the current list provided in the relevant year Subject Choice Booklet

In Sixth Form pupils study three or four A level subjects. Pupils also access an extensive choice of Physical Education options, comprehensive Careers Education and a wide and varied General Studies programme.

Overview of Entry Requirements

There is a general entry requirement for Year 13. Pupils must have a minimum of six passes at Grade C or higher in full GCSE subjects and have attained a score of at least 12 points, based on the following equivalences:

Full Courses

A* in GCSE subject = 4 points

A in GCSE subject = 3 points

B in GCSE subject = 2 points

C* in GSCE subject = 1.5 points

C in GCSE subject = 1 point

Short Courses

A*/A in GCSE subject = 2 points

B/C* in GCSE subject = 1 point

C in GCSE subject = 0 points


Level 2 Qualifications

L2D* = 4 points

L2D = 3 points

L2M = 2 points

L2P = 1 points

Subject Choice Booklet

In addition to the minimum criterion above, pupils must also satisfy the entry requirements for the subjects they choose. These are summarised in the Subject Choice Booklet (PDF).

Subject Choice Booklet