Friends of Regent House
Friends of Regent House is the parent teacher organisation and while fundraising is an important part of our work, we also hope to create a community within the school where parents and teachers work together to improve resources for the children in a social and fun way. Over the past year we have provided many resources for the school including eight defibrillators, new flooring in the library, dance costumes for the Dance team and funds for the music department.
February has seen the launch of our most ambitious project, a new school minibus. Fundraising has occurred in many different ways from dinner dances to cooking hotdogs on wet and windy Saturday mornings. It is work hard but a great time is had doing it!
The minibus will cost around £25,000. This will require a huge amount of fundraising, therefore if there are any parents who think they might have any sponsorship contacts or ideas we would be pleased to hear from you. Friends of Regent House is also a registered charity which may have advantages for your business. Please contact the school, every little helps!
Friends of Regent House also have a Facebook page which has information about current events. (
Below are some of the fundraisers which have contributed to the minibus fund so far:
- School Dinner Dance £550
- Non Uniform Day £1164
- Hot dogs £230
- Donation from the Drama Dept £422
- First Big Breakfast £560
- Second big breakfast £230
This comes to a fantastic £3156, 12.4% of our target!!!
Everyone has received a book of ballot tickets and already there have been a number of these returned. A visual target will be displayed in the foyer to keep pupils and parents up to date and the first update on income from ballot tickets should appear after half term.
So if your envelopes have not appeared from the depths of your children’s school bags, go looking!! We all have a full week of half term to sell them and if you need any more just let us know.