Junior Mathematics Challenge

On Thursday 28th April 2016, approximately 100 keen mathematicians from Years 8 and 9 will participate in the UKMT Junior Mathematics Challenge. The challenge involves answering 25 multiple choice questions in one hour and is sat in school under normal exam conditions. Pupils fill in the answer sheet and the Challenge is marked by UKMT.

This is one of the questions from last year’s paper:  have a go..... 

In this partly completed pyramid, each rectangle is to be filled with the sum of the two numbers in the rectangles immediately below it.

What number should replace x?

A    3         B   4          C   5          D   7         E   12

This is a national event and several thousand students take part. The top 40% of students nationally receive a gold, silver or bronze certificate.
Around 1200 of the highest scorers are invited to participate in the Junior Mathematical Olympiad. So the level of competition is high.

We wish our pupils well.


Here is the answer and solution to question :

SF Digital

Paul is a vetted Squarespace Expert and a Leader of the Squarespace Circle Community where he tries to inspire and engage a vibrant community of creatives. Paul studied Software Engineering as well as Electronic Engineering at University, and Photography at College, before working in a variety of exciting roles in the creative industry before he founded SF Digital, building trusted products to help Squarespace creatives increase sales, engage visitors and improve user experience for their clients.


School Budgets Update


Exam timetables for Year 8 - 11