Child care - Get more for your money in our Prep!
How affordable is a Preparatory School education at Regent House?
It is cheaper to send your child to Regent House than it is to a local primary school with wrap around care provided by a Day Care Provider.
Who will look after my child during the holidays?
Regent House operates a holiday scheme for its pupils from 8am to 6pm each weekday throughout the summer, October half term, February half term and Easter holidays. It costs £130 per week including trips and excursions. The scheme is led by experienced teachers who know the pupils well. Whilst other local summer schemes charge similar prices to this they tend to offer much shorter days. For example one local scheme operates from 9.30am to 4.00pm charging £125.
What about transferring to the Grammar School?
Regent House Grammar School uses the AQE transfer scores as its main selection criteria but if the number of applicants exceeds the number of places available the next most important criteria is enrolment at Regent House Preparatory School. This can be very significant. In the last two years 100% of our Prep 7 pupils have gone onto Grammar School, with the average AQE score being 109.
Our Ethos
Our aim is to offer high-quality education and affordable childcare in one inclusive setting. We hope to give parents peace of mind, knowing their children are in a safe, familiar and convenient environment. Regent House Preparatory Department boasts small class sizes and staff members provide a positive, stimulating learning environment.
How do I find out more?
Join the 35000 other people who have watched our promotional video:
Please feel free to contact our Head of Prep, Ms N Rudewicz, on 028 91813234.