Results 2017 - Headmaster Review
I can confidently state our pupils have achieved the best set of GCSE, AS and A level results in the history of the school.
At A level we have witnessed a significant improvement in the achievement in the top grades and the best 3 A*-C performance ever, placing us amongst the very highest achieving schools in N Ireland at this level.
- 81% of grades achieved were A*, A or B compared to 71% in 2016
- 57% of grades achieved were A* or A compared to 42% in 2016
- 37 students gained at least 3 A grades, 5 of whom achieved at least 4A* grades
- 84% of students achieved at least 3 A*-C grades compared to 74% in 2016 (used in Belfast Telegraph leagues tables)
- 56% of students achieved at least 3 A*-B grades compared to 45% in 2016
At AS level this pattern is repeated with continued impressive performance in the top grades and the best 3 A*-C performance ever.
- 69% of grades achieved were A or B compared to 68% in 2016 and 53% in 2015
- 37 students achieved at least 3 A grades
- 81% of students achieving at least 3 A-C grades compared to 72% in 2016 and 59% in 2015
At GCSE level, the headline figure for students achieving at least 7 grades at A*-C (including Maths and English) continues to be above average for similar schools.
Congratulations to all the students who have worked exceptionally hard to achieve these results and I am sure you will join me in congratulating and thanking the teaching staff here in Regent. Their dedication, hard work and exceptional talent guides the way. They, along with their non-teaching colleagues, are our most important and valuable resource.
In closing, I would also like to thank you, the parents and guardians, for the support you provide to your children and the school. Without it, these outcomes would not be possible.
Michael Carville