Another great year for Regent pupils!
2018 saw the best Regent House A level results in our history placing us amongst the very highest achieving schools in N Ireland.
At A level we have maintained the very high standards set in 2017 in the top grades and the best 3 A*-C performance ever.:
86% of students achieved at least 3 A*-C grades compared to 84% in 2017 and 74% in 2016 (used in Belfast Telegraph leagues tables)
62% of students achieved at least 3 A*-B grades compared to 56% in 2017 and 45% in 2016
78% of grades achieved were A*, A or B compared to 71% in 2016
47 students gained at least 3 A grades, 9 of whom achieved at least 3A* grades
At AS level this pattern was repeated with continued impressive performance in the top grades and exceptional 3 A*-C performance:
77% of students achieving at least 3 A-C grades compared to 72% in 2016 and 59% in 2015
69% of grades achieved were A or B compared to 68% in 2016 and 53% in 2015
29 students achieved at least 3 A grades
And at GCSE:
94% of Year 12 pupils achieved at least 7A*-C grades including Maths and English
84% of grades achieved were either A*, A or B.
Congratulations to all the students who have worked exceptionally hard to achieve these results.