Mastering Mathematics Masterclasses Make Maths Manageable !

On four Saturday mornings during November and December, four of our talented Year 10 mathematicians made their way to QUB and W5 to attend a series of Mathematics Masterclasses run by the Royal Institute.

Madalyn Bailie, Adam Kay, Kurtis Ritchie and Tarek Trouba got the chance to expand their mathematical thinking into the realms of probability by investigating the chances of winning the lottery and also looking at cellular automata in the context of forest fires. NISRA also paid the group a visit and on another morning the students were able to explore the world of binary.

“My favourite session was the mathematical modelling: how you can use probability to model hundreds of different things. Also, the lottery session with most of the session being actual maths.”

Adam Kay

“I found the Masterclass sessions very interesting and beneficial. I knew basically none of it before and most enjoyed the probability sections in the first and last sessions.”

Kurtis Ritchie

“I enjoyed applying the concept of maths to real-life situations; I found that engineering was best for this. I also enjoyed the Babylonian method of square and cube roots because it was easy to work together with friends.”

Madalyn Bailie

SF Digital

Paul is a vetted Squarespace Expert and a Leader of the Squarespace Circle Community where he tries to inspire and engage a vibrant community of creatives. Paul studied Software Engineering as well as Electronic Engineering at University, and Photography at College, before working in a variety of exciting roles in the creative industry before he founded SF Digital, building trusted products to help Squarespace creatives increase sales, engage visitors and improve user experience for their clients.


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