Busy Summer for Regent House Musicians

This summer was a busy summer for our Regent House Musicians. Chloe Wilson, Charlotte Caughey, Victoria Thompson, Molly Wilson, Aimée Zitouni, Corey Brown, Cameron Shaw, Jack Dobson, Patrick Campbell and Jack McCabe attended the Ulster Youth Choir residential and performed at the Ulster Hall as part of a special concert for their twentieth anniversary.

Victoria Thompson, Corey Brown, Aimée Zitouni and Jack McCabe also toured with the choir and performed at Cathedral Saint Sauveur in Aix-en-Provence and Collégiale Notre Dame des Anges in L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue. Louie McComb performed with the Ulster Youth Orchestra.

Tom Myles performed with the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain and with Camerata Ireland and Barry Douglas. He was also awarded a bursary from Flax Trust Arts.

Congratulations to all our musicians on all their achievements.

SF Digital

Paul is a vetted Squarespace Expert and a Leader of the Squarespace Circle Community where he tries to inspire and engage a vibrant community of creatives. Paul studied Software Engineering as well as Electronic Engineering at University, and Photography at College, before working in a variety of exciting roles in the creative industry before he founded SF Digital, building trusted products to help Squarespace creatives increase sales, engage visitors and improve user experience for their clients.


Congratulations to Emma!


Regent House Academic Calendar 2019 - 2020 now available