Schools Cup match report

Regent played on until the final whistle against a strong Sullivan Upper and vicious weather on Saturday 6th February with a resulting score of 14-0 to Sullivan Upper.

Regent’s 1st XV fans eagerly arrived early last Saturday morning to cheer on their team.  Supporters and fans enjoyed a cooked breakfast in the canteen grasping the opportunity to enjoy good food, good company and discuss the highly anticipated match which was soon to commence. Fans soon finished breakfast at the announcement of teams’ arrivals and headed out onto the pitch with growing anticipation as the teams emerged from the changing rooms.

Regent received a massive roar from fans as they ran out led by captain, Tom-Arthur Donnan, onto the pitch. As both teams warmed up the crowd on both sides grew providing a great support for the boys.

The match kicked off at 10.30am and started with Sullivan quickly dominating play. Within the first five minutes Sullivan scored their first try and repeated this again within the next five minutes to provide the visiting team with a fourteen nil lead. However, their dominance was disrupted when injury to Sullivan Captain Chris Jordan led to a forty five minute suspension of the match.

Fans escaped the worsening weather and anxiously waited to hear news of when the match was recommencing. Once the news reached of the match continuing fans rushed to the sidelines. Regent fought back as the weather worsened and held a strong defense against Sullivan. Fans chanted on the sidelines showing their devoted support for ‘the boys in red’ as well as blaring fog horns.  

Regent pushed forward on several occasions but were defeated by a strong Sullivan who blocked any attempt of gaining an upper hand. By the final whistle the score remained 14-0 to Sullivan despite the strong efforts by the Regent 1st XV. Mr. M C Carville, headmaster of Regent House, commented on the match saying it was a, “good effort by both teams,” and that he “wished Sullivan the best” as they move forward into the next round of the cup.

Our best wishes go to the Chris Jordan for a speedy a recovery.

By Victoria Cairns
SF Digital

Paul is a vetted Squarespace Expert and a Leader of the Squarespace Circle Community where he tries to inspire and engage a vibrant community of creatives. Paul studied Software Engineering as well as Electronic Engineering at University, and Photography at College, before working in a variety of exciting roles in the creative industry before he founded SF Digital, building trusted products to help Squarespace creatives increase sales, engage visitors and improve user experience for their clients.


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