Head of Department
Miss D Byrne
Subject Teachers
Miss D Byrne (Coordinator)
Mrs R Sutherland
We want to ensure that all young people develop the personal qualities, skills, knowledge, understanding and attitudes which will give them a strong foundation for lifelong learning and work in a rapidly changing economic environment. We aim to empower pupils to achieve their potential and to make informed and responsible choices. Employability is focused around three strands:
Work in the Local and Global Economy
Exploring work in the Local and Global Economy allows young people opportunities to investigate the impact of the global market on Northern Ireland and to reflect on the implications for their personal career planning.
Career Management
Exploring Career Management provides opportunities for young people to investigate the changing concept of career which is moving away from the likelihood of a job for life to the expectation that individuals will experience several career changes and this will involve lifelong learning, updating knowledge.
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
Exploring Enterprise and Entrepreneurship provides opportunities for young people to investigate the need for creativity and enterprise, whether as an employer or employee, and to identify and practise some of the skills and develop the attributes associated with being enterprising.
Key Stage 3
Employability operates at Key Stage 3 in a rotation with Citizenship and Personal Development. This offers two periods a week for 12 weeks, for each Learning For Life and Work strands.
Learning Themes
Year 8:
Job Alphabet
What Is My Job?
Skills and Qualities
My Skills and Qualities
Skills For Work
Team Work
How Did You Get Where You Are Today?
Progress Files
Year 9:
Skills and qualities
A Career For Life?
Different Learning Styles
What Are Migrant workers?
Trends In Migrant Working
Working In The EU
The Importance Of Qualifications
Job Sectors
Young Enterprise Workshop
Environmental Issues And Employment
Progress Files
Digital media
Young Enterprise
Year 10:
Recognising personal Skills and Qualities
Team Work
Who Needs Qualifications
What Do I Like?
What Am I Good At
Learning Styles
Career Advice Resources
What Motivates?
Health And Safety In The Work Place
Employment Trends
GCSE Subject Choice
Progress Files
Learn To Earn Young Enterprise
Army Career Talk
Labour Market Trends/Employability workshop
Key Stage 4
In Key Stage 4, pupils should be enabled to
explore self employment and identify relevant sources of support
examine the impact of globalisation on employment
investigate the recruitment and retention procedures taking into account the rights and responsibilities of employees and employers
consider how employees and employers might maintain an effective working environment
investigate the increasing social responsibility of business in the community
develop a personal career plan based on relevant information and guidance